
Snacks on the Go (Food Allergy Version)

So this will be short and sweet post to help those of you who deal with food allergies or are new to the food allergy world. It can be so overwhelming when you enter food allergy life, and my kids only have mild reactions. There is so much to consider, and that hindered us from leaving the house or participating with others for a while. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a few of our favorite TOP 8 Allergen Free snacks.


  • Fresh Veggies or Fruit
  • Made Good Granola Bars
  • Skinny Pop Popcorn
  • Enjoy Life Cookies
  • Snyders GF Pretzels
  • Pamela’s Honey Graham Crackers
  • Dry Fruit
  • Fruit Leather
  • Hummus & Rice Crackers
  • Favorite Cereal

These are items either I keep at home, or that I grab on the go with a quick run into a store. Though not every store will carry some of these items. Fruits and veggies tend to be our go to when in a smaller town or store. You can’t go wrong with fruit or vegetables. Luckily nuts are not an issue in our home, so we can also add those in for some quick protein which I personally find the hardest to make grab and go for food allergy and health conscious families. Also, things marked Whole 30 or Paleo are often safe bets, unless you have egg allergies-which we do. Be safe, read and reread labels. Find a few favorites to keep on hand, and know which stores carry the ones you favor.


That’s it! Short, sweet, and to the point. I have learned that some recipes will overcomplicate things, and I have to be careful or I get overwhelmed by all the ingredients. For instance if I’m making cookies I’m clearly not looking for something low sugar so I don’t need to stress about that! Some are more concerned with that, but right now we just aren’t there and we refuse to use Stevia (will share another time why). Thats ok! Many times I find that using my traditional recipe actually works with very few modifications. For instance, my chocolate chip cookie recipe actually still works if I switch out GF flour, DF chocolate chips, and applesauce for eggs. I have to remind myself of what our allergens and purposes are then evaluate the recipes. I’m always on the search for something “new” but I have found that leads to over spending, frustration, and too many baking/cooking failures! Find a few tried and true recipes and stick to them- especially in the beginning.

What are your favorite on the go snacks for your family?

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